Generating Online CRM Software Sales Leads
If you are a salesperson selling customer relationship management (CRM) software a good place to start for generating online sales leads is on pay-per-click (PPC) ads on internet search engines. This is a step-by-step guide to generating CRM leads via the internet.
- To start a PPC campaign to generate CRM sales leads on internet search engines such as Google, MSN, and Yahoo, first make a list of keywords that you think people that are looking for when searching for CRM software are searching for online. A sample list of keywords is available below.
- Sign up for PPC ads and register your chosen keywords. The most popular PPC system is Google?s AdWords program.
- What happens is every time someone searches your chosen keyword, a link to your website will be shown alongside the "sponsored results" section of the search results. You pay a small fee for every time someone clicks on your link and is taken to your website. The fee is small compared to the revenue you can generate from the sales lead.
The following is a list of sample CRM keywords that you can use in your PPC campaign:
- Microsoft CRM software
- CRM sales solution
- Free online CRM
- Customer relationship management implementation
- Small business CRM software
- Saleslogix CRM
- Siebel customer relationship management
- Open source CRM
- CRM tools and resources
- CRM sales leads
- Automotive CRM software
If you sell CRM visit Tino Buntic's website, TradePals, to receive free sales leads without cold calling, including CRM leads. TradePals is a B2B and B2C directory of business professionals and entrepreneurs across North America, providing qualified leads to its members.
Tino recommends Jim Berkowitz's CRM Mastery Blog, providing commentary on CRM best practices and industry news.
Labels: book_crm_handbook_review, crm_asp, crm_certification, crm_database, crm_mortgage
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